Wednesday 28 October 2015

What do you know about diuretic foods?

Water retention can cause bloating and discomfort by fullness. If you have mild water retention, for example, after the consumption of foods rich in salt, eating some fruit and vegetables, known as natural diuretics will help you. Diuretics are substances that stimulate diuresis in the kidney, i.e. fluid loss through the urine. These are typically substances containing magnesium and potassium. In more severe forms of fluid retention consult your doctor to appoint appropriate pills. Here are more details:
  • Many vegetables are considered diuretics because of their high water content. It may seem strange to treat water retention with water. By adding water increases the volume of fluid in the body that signals the kidneys to release them. Examples of diuretic vegetables are parsley, artichoke, celery, onions and others.
  • Cucumbers have a great diuretic effect, because they consist almost entirely of water. Asparagus contains asparagine alkaloid that stimulates the release of waste substances by the kidneys. Brussels sprouts in addition to its diuretic effect is beneficial to the pancreas. Share this information with your floor sanding experts London, they may have such a health problem.
  • Cabbage, tomatoes and carrots contain high amounts of vitamin C, which is important in metabolism. You can keep potassium levels in the body by adding vinegar to your salad. In addition to diuretic properties these vegetables will provide your body with many other essential micronutrients.
  • Diets containing fruit are having diuretic effect. They include eating watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, figs, kiwi, pineapple, papaya, grapes and others. An additional effect of the intake of these fruits is the presence in them of many vital minerals and vitamins - C, B1, B2, potassium, which have a key role in metabolism and maintaining smooth and beautiful skin. Enough information for today! Specialists in wood floor sanding London are waiting you to say your requirements!
Well, now you know much more about diuretic foods.

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